EZ Clutch Adjustor Upgrade Kit (Part #109822)




EZ Clutch Adjustor Upgrade Kit:

  • Fitment:
    • 2022-2023 Touring Models with clutch cable.
  • The NEW EZ Clutch Adjustor Upgrade Kit converts the factory upper clutch cable adjustor to a screw type adjustor while reinforcing the cable.
  • The adjustor also works as a repair part for broken H-D factory cable adjustors.
  • Works with stock cables and Fat Baggers’ Ez Clutch Extensions.
  • If your stock (OEM) plastic adjuster is yellow you will need item # 109811, if your stock (OEM) plastic adjuster is black, you need item # 109822. (The OEM plastic adjuster is the part containing the red clip)


2022-2024 Harley Davidson CVO Road Glide FLTRXSE
2022 Harley Davidson CVO Road Glide Limited FLTRSKE
2022, 2024 Harley Davidson CVO Street Glide FLHXSE
2022 Harley Davidson CVO Tri Glide FLHTCUTGSE
2022 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Standard FLHT
2022-2024 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Limited FLHTK
2022-2024 Harley Davidson Free Wheeler FLRT
2022-2024 Harley Davidson Road Glide FLTR
2022-2024 Harley Davidson Road Glide Limited FLTRK
2022-2023 Harley Davidson Road Glide Special FLTRXS
2022-2023 Harley Davidson Road Glide ST FLTRXST
2022-2024 Harley Davidson Road King FLHR
2022-2024 Harley Davidson Road King Special FLHRXS
2022-2024 Harley Davidson Street Glide FLHX
2022 Harley Davidson Street Glide Special FLHXS
2022-2024 Harley Davidson Tri Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCUTG
2023 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Highway King FLHFB
2023-2024 Harley Davidson Road Glide 3 FLTRT
2023 Harley Davidson Street Glide SP Anniversary FLHXSANV
2023 Harley Davidson Street Glide ST FLHXST
2023 Harley Davidson Tri Glide Ultra Anniversary FLHTCUTGANV
2023 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited Anniversary FLHTKANV
2024 Harley Davidson CVO Road Glide ST FLTRXSTE
2024 Harley Davidson Hydra-Glide Revival FLI
2024 Harley Davidson Road Glide Police FLTRXP

Additional information

Weight 0.098 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 0.5 × 0.5 in

6 reviews for EZ Clutch Adjustor Upgrade Kit (Part #109822)

  1. ADE

    5 STAR SERVICE. ordered the above part,very easy to order stacy keeped me updated when part was shipped recieved my part in just 5 days i was really suprised how quick it arrived as i live in wales uk, very very impressed would highly recommend this company cant thank them enough

    ade edwards

  2. Lance Mac

    Why did HD 2023 CVO go plastic for an adjuster? Sounds nice and easy but the red fastening clip sheers off. It is soft plastic… This machined replacement is a ghod sent for the replacement. The clutch cable adjustment is like the original clutch cable but it is so well machined you can adjust it with your fingers. You only need to use a wrench to lock the nut in place… I did my replacement at 1400 miles and wish it was sooner…

  3. BillyBagger

    Harley should of never gone to the plastic adjuster. My OEM plastic adjuster finally broke around 13K miles. I came across this adjuster online on the fatbagger website. So I thought I’d give it a try. The factory adjuster was always clicking and just didn’t feel a smooth operation of the clutch. After replacing the clutch adjuster the very first moment I started the bike, WOW. Then I rode the bike and what a tremendous difference. Very smooth operation and what you would expect when shifting gears. Had I known about this when I got the bike I would have changed it when I first got it. Even though my bike is still under factory warranty Harley can keep their adjuster and I’ll gladly pay for the Fatbagger adjuster.

  4. 2022 Road Glide Limited

    Must have upgrade. I just installed the adjuster and it works perfect. I have the elite mototech levers on my bike and could never get things adjusted quite right with the stock plastic adjuster. Now my clutch is setup perfectly and the lever is just right with proper amount of free play. I highly recommend this part because it should have come with the stock bike. If “good enough” is what you want , stay with the plastic adjuster. If “dialed” is what you want buy this part

  5. Pappy35

    Game Changer. Unlike the plastic OEM part, which isn’t really meant to be used as an adjuster, this stroke of genius enables precise fine-tuning of the clutch lever position. For example, I prefer the friction zone about 1/2″to 3/4″ from the grip but the OEM part didn’t make this easy. The FB adjuster let’s me make fine adjustments so easily that I can do it while stopped without dismounting by leaving the the lock nut loose temporarily and the cover slide up out of the way. I’ll ballpark it in the garage, grab two wrenches, and ride it slowly around the neighborhood until I get it perfect. Then I stop, dismount, and break out the spanners to tighten and tidy it all up. This could not be easier and well worth the minor cost for the convenience.

  6. Gussie

    Great clutch cable upgrade. Just got done replacing the factory Harley clutch cable plastic adjuster parts. Cutting the plastic off was a little tricky. I ended up using a solder iron with a cutting blade. Made a slice down the piece and it came right off. I bought both pieces, the adjuster and the bottom cover. What a difference in the clutch operation. Smooth and no grinding/clicking noise anymore. And easily adjustable! Order right now!

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